The traditional Rice with Swiss Chard is a very simple yet extremely tasty broth-type rice dish. This is a dish that has been made since time immemorial, which here we are reinterpreting with a combination of different culinary techniques.


  • 300g rice
  • 250g Swiss chard
  • 100g prawns
  • 150g tomatoes
  • 1l chicken stock
  • 500ml water
  • 100ml AOVE olive oil
  • 50g kudzu
  • 30g belly pork

Swiss chard juice:

Blanch the Swiss chard and blend with 15 slices dried garlic, the extra-virgin olive oil (AOVE) and 500ml chicken stock.

Crispy Swiss chard:

Liquidize 10 leaves of blanched Swiss chard, 500ml mineral water and 15 slices of dried garlic. Heat through with the kudzu until you have a smooth cream.
Spread the mixture in a very thin layer on a baking tray on sulfurized paper and dehydrate in the oven for four hours at 60ºC. Once cool, break small chunks off, fry in olive oil and set aside.

Sofregit (base sauce):

Chop the Swiss chard stalks in mirepoix and fry in olive oil; add 10g finely diced garlic, the fresh tomato and finally the pepper. Cook over a low heat for 15 minutes then set aside.


In a pan, heat 2 tablespoon olive oil, add 150g of the sofregit and heat through. Add the rice and fry for 2 minutes, then moisten with 500ml chicken stock. Cook for 10 minutes then add the peeled, chopped prawns and around 200ml of the liquidized Swiss chard. Cook for another 4 minutes then remove from the heat and leave to rest for 3 minutes.

To serve, arrange the rice on a plate, cover with two slices of belly pork and finally top with a Swiss chard crisp.

Grupo La Sucursal