Dades Personals

    What most interests you about the ‘From Field to Plate’ programme?

    Data Protection information

    Data Controller: Valencia Provincial Tourist Board (Valencia Provincial Council)
    Purpose: sending institutional information.
    Legal grounds:

    • Sending institutional information. Consent of the interested party by ticking the box below.
    • I would like to receive institutional information.

    Recipients: Your data will not be passed to third parties except when required by law.
    Data storage time: For the period necessary to fulfil the purpose for which the data was collected, provided that the people concerned do not revoke the consent they have granted.
    Rights: You may exercise your rights to the access, rectification, erasure and portability of your data the restriction and opposition to their processing, as well as revoking the consent you granted to receive institutional information by writing to the Board with a copy of your ID document attached.
    You also have the right to lodge any complaints with the Spanish Data Protection Agency:


    Carrer de les Avellanes, 14 2h
    46003 Valencia