the field

The whole of the region of Valencia is packed with products boasting top quality organoleptic properties. Their production is in hands of farmers and fishermen who have maintained and honed their skills.

Our products in figures


  • The main cherry production area in the Valencian Community is to the north of Alacant and the south of Valencia, under the name of “Cireres de la Muntanya d’Alacant”.
  • Bocairent and Ontinyent are the main production areas of “Cireres de la Muntanya d’Alacant”.
  • There are nine cherry varieties covered by the Regulatory Board: Burlat, Tilagua, Planera, Nadal, Picota and Picota Ambrunesa (the main varieties), and Stark Hardy Geant, Bing and Van (pollination varieties).
  • Some of the Valencian counties that produce cherries:
    – Els Serrans
    – Requena-Utiel
    – Foia de Bunyol-Xiva
    – Vall d’Aiora-Cofrents
    – La Costera
    – Vall d’Albaida
    – La Vall de Gallinera
  • Some 751.12 tonnes of cherries are produced every year in the Valencian Community.
  • Sales: 628.73 tonnes (domestic market), 101.47 tonnes (EU market: Lithuania, Italy, Germany and the United Kingdom) and 20.92 tonnes (foreign market – other countries).
  • In 2015, the per capita household consumption of cherries in the Valencian Community was 1.1 kg.
    Cherries are a highly-regarded fruit that are mainly grown in temperate climates such as the Mediterranean.
  • The cherry season runs from April to July.
    Cherries are known as a ‘super fruit’ as they are packed with antioxidants.
  • Cherries are rich in vitamins C and E as well as potassium, magnesium, iron, folic acid and fibre.
  • Cherries make an excellent snack or dessert on weight-loss diets as they are low in calories.
  • The best way to eat cherries is fresh, though they are also highly recommended in desserts and patisserie and for making chocolates, jams and liqueurs.
  • Eating cherries increases the body’s defence mechanisms and helps to prevent high blood pressure and heart attacks.
  • In 2015, the production of cherries in the Valencian Community reached 5.583 tonnes.
  • The counties of Valencia have an area of 2.919 ha dedicated to cherry orchards.
    Some 526 tonnes of cherries were produced in the Valencian counties in the 2015 season.
  • Cherry exports to the European Union amount to around 265 tonnes per year.
    50% of the exports of cireres are destined to the international market, mainly to countries of the European Union.
  • The countries where the majority of cherries from Valencia are sold are Lithuania (72.71 tonnes), Italy (59.08 tonnes) and Germany (56.19 tonnes).


  • Rice is the third most widely-produced cereal in the world after maize and wheat.
  • In Spain, the average rice consumption is 7 kilos per person per year.
  • Spain produces around 720,000 tonnes of rice per year.
    Some 15% of Spain’s rice production comes from the Valencian Community, especially the area around the Albufera, Pego and Oliva, and at the mouth of the River Xúquer.
  • There are 110,000 ha of land devoted to growing rice in Spain, of which more than 15,000 ha are found in the Valencian Community (14,624 ha in the counties of Valencia).
  • More than 116,672 tonnes of rice are produced in the Valencian Community, of which 114,521 come from our region.
  • The Valencian Community has always been the cradle of rice production in Spain, having been introduced by the Arabs in the 8th century.
  • Within our region, Sueca and the areas around the Albufera have the most long-standing rice growing tradition, which dates back some 1,200 years.
  • The varieties of rice in Valencia with a Designation of Origin are: Sènia, Bomba and Albufera.
  • A total of 13 plants produce Valencia D.O. rice and more than 4.5 million kilos are sold every year.
  • For centuries, dozens of towns in the Valencian Community have engaged in traditional rice cultivation, with the unique claim that it was once the only place in Western Europe where rice was planted.
  • Rice exports from the Valencian Community to the European Union in 2015 were 76,000 tonnes.
  • Rice export to the rest of countries amount to around 25,000 tonnes per year / is around.
  • The value of exports to the European Union exceeds 45,000 thousand euros.
  • The value of exports of rice to other countries ascended to 17,902 thousand euros.


  • In 2015, some 371.97 tonnes of eels were produced in the Valencian Community.
  • The WHO recommends you eat oily fish at least twice a week.
  • Some 52% of the Spanish population aged over 40 eat fewer portions of oily fish than recommended by both the WHO and the Mediterranean Diet.
  • Oily fish is an essential part of the Mediterranean Diet.
  • Aquaculture is an important economic activity in the Valencian Community.
  • The latest figures on marine aquaculture indicate production of close to 14,000 tonnes of fish.
  • This represents a first-sale value of over 64,000 million euros.
  • Oily fish helps to keep the immune system strong.
  • The fish auctions of Valencia, Sagunt, Cullera and Gandia supply fresh fish to the markets of the Valencian Community.
  • The close relationship between the auctions and the markets supports a sustainable agri-food chain.
  • There are four fishermen’s cooperatives in the region: Cullera, Gandia, Sagunt and Valencia.
  • Oily fish is an easily-digested foodstuff.
  • It is low in calories and very rich in unsaturated fats.
  • EELS = rich in vitamins A and D.
  • TUNA = rich in iodine and vitamin B3.
  • ANCHOVIES = rich in vitamins B3 and B6.
  • MACKEREL = rich in iodine and vitamins B3, B6 and B12.
  • HORSE MACKEREL = rich in iodine and vitamins B6 and D.
  • POMFRET = rich in iodine and vitamins B6, B12 and D.
  • SALMON = rich in vitamins B3, B6 and D.
  • SARDINES = rich in vitamins B6, B12 and D.
  • Catches in the Valencian Community: anchovies 674.6 tonnes, bonito 7.8 tonnes, horse mackerel 46.3 tonnes, mackerel 22.1 tonnes and 130.4 tonnes of sardines.
  • Anchovies are the number-one catch in our region, with 6,311.4 tonnes.
  • Sardines are the second biggest catch, with 1,837.3 tonnes.